
Pine nuts, Grana Padano cheese, tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil - from these ingredients we obtain a delicious, aromatic sauce, which is an ideal additive to cold and hot dishes, and in particular, for fresh pasta.

Combinations: basil / tomatoes

Product and packaging information:

Unit weight: 500g

Pieces per packaging: 4

Packaging weight: 2kg

Note: pesto should not be heated.

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The quality of production has a crucial role at our company. We ensure the highest production standards based on HACCP principles on a daily basis. Our products are diversified, and the process of their weighting is precisely controlled. We analyse individual parameters specific for each group of our pastas and ensure repeatability of our measurement results. At the same time, each piece of pasta manually created at our factory is absolutely exceptional – come la pasta fatta in casa!

As production of pasta fresca is a multi-stage process, we understand the importance of measuring of each component, as well as of each movement of hands and its synchronisation with machine work, to ensure the highest possible repeatability. Unit weights of products, serving and cooked weights provided in our catalogue were averaged. In each group, the products are presented from the smallest, narrowest or shortest ribbons to those most impressive in our range. In the restaurant world, the food cost is one of the basic guidelines and in our opinion, the provided parameters will be useful in your daily work.